There’s a $59bn a year black hole in global education funding

We need at least $75 billion a year for the next 10 years to end the global education crisis and meet the Sustainable Development Goal 4 timelines - but current aid to education is just $16bn a year.
If we want every child in the world to be in school by 2030, our leaders must step up and support innovative ways to fund the shortfall.
We’re calling on world leaders to prioritise education in their recovery plans because currently the numbers just don’t add up.
We’re urging them to:
- Support all the major funds for education such as the Global Partnership for Education and Education Cannot Wait
- Invest at least $1 billion of new money in innovative financing through the International Finance Facility for Education (IFFEd)
$1bn invested in IFFEd could help raise another $25bn+ of available funds for lower-income countries to fund education projects.
This innovative finance fund, alongside existing educations funds and programs, is the only way we will be able to tackle the financing black hole and unlock big change, ensuring every child has access to equitable and inclusive quality education by 2030.
Say you're with us:
I'm calling on world leaders to kickstart the global education recovery by supporting all the major funds for education and investing an additional $1bn in innovative financing to help ensure that every child in the world has a place in school.
You can read the full detail behind our calculations and a timetable of action to tackle the global education financing crisis in The Education Finance Playbook
The Education Finance Playbook